Dear subscribers,
Today, we invite you on a nostalgic journey as we fondly recall our first production launched on the platform: the documentary "From The Ground Up." This documentary is a sensitive portrayal of the unique creative process of TETRO Arquitetura, composed of the talented architects Carlos Maia, Débora Mendes, and Igor Macedo.
Based in Belo Horizonte, Brazil, and operating globally, TETRO Arquitetura grounds its professional practice in a meticulous study of local and client-specific premises and conditions. Each project seeks a unique and unrepeatable solution, harmoniously integrating with nature and using natural materials. The exploration of empty spaces is a striking characteristic of their works.

"From The Ground Up" utilizes unique visual resources to capture the essence of each project and the soul of these architects' creative process. With extreme artistic sensitivity, the documentary blends elements of music and visual arts, providing an immersive and inspiring experience.
This documentary was covered by various media outlets, both nationally and internationally, standing out for its innovative and sensitive approach. The launch event in Belo Horizonte was a great success, with a packed pre-premiere that moved everyone present.

"From The Ground Up" also marked the beginning of our platform's characteristic focus on the human element in its productions. We believe that architecture carries elements of its creator that are not always visible at first glance, but constitute its essence and are reflected in the details of each work. This humanized approach has become a signature of Gallery, highlighting the profound connection between creator and creation.
We invite all of you to revisit this incredible production and be inspired once again by the beauty and creativity that permeate every detail of TETRO Arquitetura's projects. Join us in this celebration of talent, art, and architecture.
Thank you for being part of our community and for supporting art and architecture!
The Gallery Team